Terms & Conditions

Cancellation and Non-Attendance Fees

Your Doctor has referred you to our Allied Health Professionals under a Care Plan. Please be advised that in order to ensure that continued care under Care Plans is sustained, our Allied Health Professionals will charge a cancellation or non-attendance fee. This fee will be charged in the event of a non-attendance of appointment or in the case when less than 24 hours’ notice is given.

In the event of exceptional circumstances, the Allied Health Professional will be notified, and they will advise if the cancellation/non-attendance fee will stand. Any fees incurred are required to be paid before the next consultation is booked.

The fees incurred are: $60.00 for all other Allied Health and CDM Nurses and Mental Health Nurses.

Please fill out the on-line form below and press submit, or follow this link to a printable PDF and email through to info@rades.com.au. Please note, your required acknowledgement of Rise Above Diabetes Education Service Terms & Conditions will confirm your upcoming appointment.

T&Cs Acknowledgment form

  • acknowledge that a cancellation or non-attendance fee will be charged should I not attend for my appointment or not give at least 24 hours’ notice.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY